Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Since we've been back from Hawaii, posting about everyday life now seems down right boring! I'd much rather have a sunset or a fun beach day to write about, but life at home, (all of Mark's hard work) makes those great vacations a reality.

So back to real life. At the moment, Mark and I are both reading a Stephenie Meyer book. Of all our married years together, we have only read the scriptures with each other. Although I love studying the scriptures together, its been super fun reading "just for fun", occasionally laughing outloud at the comical parts. I am almost finished with my book. You know how it is when you have a good read? You don't want it to end, but you do, just to find out what happens? But at the same time you wish there was more because you have enjoyed reading so much? That's me. I do have another book in mind to start next.

Queen of the Big Time. My mom read it, handed it over to me, and I have yet to pick it up and read. But while I'm on a reading kick, I think it will be a nice one to follow the romance Stephenie Meyer brings to life!

I'd like some more good recommendations from any of you who have read some great books lately!


Anonymous said...

I recently read Coelho's "By the River Piedra I sat Down and Wept," and really enjoyed it. I also really love Sagan's "Contact," although it's kinda a geeky science-y novel.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever tried goodreads (http://www.goodreads.com)? It's a great way to organize book lists and get recommendations from friends. I'll send you an invite.

Chandra said...

You're reading the Host right? It's good huh? I read it. It took me some time to get into but then I was hooked! I am part of a book group and this month we're reading For One More Day by Mitch Albom. It's a pretty quick, easy read... although I just started it so I can't quite tell you about it. Anyhoo, reading is fun huh?! :-)

Sharlet said...

I love seeing you as a mom. It's somehow a perfect fit in my mind. You vacation looked great. It makes me want to leave everything behind and go to Hawaii with our little family.

Sharlet said...

Oh, and as for books. I've been going back and reading all my favorite books from when I was young. I have surprisingly forgotten a lot from the stories, just remember that I loved it. It's nice to read a book that was my own recommendation right? The Narnia series was especially great to read as an adult now and see the amazing gospel parallels so that is what I recommend to you if you haven't read them recently.

Kaerlig said...

Classics are always great. Like Old Man and the Sea or Gone with the Wind (that's a great love story).