Monday, November 24, 2008

Tennis Spotlight

Tennis Habitat, a national deal based out of Vegas, did a spotlight on my tennis team a month ago and it finally appeared on their website! Jen, my sis & doubles partner, and I are on the far right. Our team has done really well this season, surprisingly! The first few weeks our team did horrible, but with only three more weeks to go, we've moved up to the number 3 spot! My sister Jen and I are doubles partners, and we have a record of 7-3! We have lots of fun together, it really is a blast. Last season we actually came in 2nd place and won a trophy! Who'd a thunk it?!?!

The guys came and took video and interviewed us...they were silly and made it fun! Our entire team was not there (I think most of us forgot they were coming that day), but it was fun and we made-do with who was there.

Check it out here to see us on the camera!


Staying Young in Vegas said...

Awesome! You have so many talents. I am impressed.

terynmendenhall said...

That's so great, love the intense shots. I wouldn't mind playing 3.5. I'm 3.0 right now.

Amy said...

How fun! I didn't know that you played doubles with Jen!

katrina berg said...

wow, you go girl! so glad to hear you're doing great stuff for Stacy!